A World Without Photosynthesis

Processes Of Photosynthesis.

1.   To take out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. 

2  .To make food.

3.  To take in sunlight.

4.    Carbon dioxide with water is glucose with oxygen.

5.  At night time,plants do not make food,so they shut down by closing their stomata.

6.  To give out oxygen.

The Importance Of Photosynthesis.

1.  The glucose is a basic energy source of all living  organisms.

2.  The oxygen  released ( with water vapour ,in transition) as a photosynthesis by product.

3.  Principally in phytoplankton, provides most of the atmospheric oxygen vital to respiration in plants and animal.

4.  Photosynthesis can therefore be considered the ultimate source of energy that drives all their metabolic processes.

5.  In these plants water is absorbed by the roots and carried to the leaves by the xylen.

6.  Animals and plants both synthesize fats and proteins from carbohydrates. 

How will it affect the plant and animal if there is no photosynthesis

1.  Without sunlight plants wont have food and will die.

2.  Without plants there will be no fresh air and we will be left with carbon dioxide.

3.  So as there is no plant and high pollution,our city will become smelly and nasty.

4.  So carnivorus will eat herbivorus and there will be no animals as the carnivorus  is extinct for starvation for so many days.

5.  Without plants animals and humans cant eat plants.

6.  Without plants the ozone layer will be no more. 
